Top 7 Disney Father’s Day Crafts that Kids Can Make at Home!
Disney Father’s Day Crafts: Father’s Day is almost here! And what parent doesn’t love a homemade craft from their kids?! And if you are a Disney parent, I am sure you would love a Disney homemade craft even more!
This list will be comprised of easy, cute, and ADORABLE crafts that you and your kids can make at home for this upcoming Father’s Day!
Just in case you aren’t the homemade type person but you still want to get that Disney Dad something special, here is a great list of Disney gift items that you can buy right off amazon and be sent right to your front door!
Prince Charming Ornament

Even though this craft was originally meant as a Christmas craft, this will also make a PERFECT Father’s Day present! Mama Likes This has all the steps you need to make this adorable gift right at home.
Click here to head right there!
Star Wars Explosion Box

This craft is a great way to show that Star Wars lovin’ Dad that he is loved! I also love the addition of the photo in the card! Party With Unicorns has all the steps you need, and even the printable templet!
Incredible Handprint Craft

An Incredible gift for and Incredible Dad! These Super Hero handprint crafts are just perfect for a Father’s Day gift! This is also super (get it?) fun for kiddos of all ages! Check out Messy Little Monster for the directions.
Click here to head right to the page!
BB8 Printable Card

This card is out of this world! This BB8 card is also a free printable which means that Simple Everyday Mom has done most of the work for you! All your kids have to do is color it in! Super easy and cute! And I am all about things being easy these days!
Click here to head right to the page!
Darth Vader Bookmark

This Darth Vader bookmark is sure to make any Star Wars loving Dad smile! Most of the items I have on my list are good for the younger kiddos, but this one is great for the older ones! Also, Red Ted Art has a great video on how to make this so you can follow along!
Click here to head right to the page!
Wall-E Shirt

Okay, how cute is this?! This is a great and easy way to get the kids and dad in matching shirts! If Wall-E isn’t your thing, don’t worry! You can for sure make this for any character that dad and the kiddos love! The Things We’ll Make even has a great video to help you out with this project!
Click here to head right to the post!
Mickey and Minnie Love Sign

This is such a cute craft and a great decoration to hang up in Dad’s office! Don’t have a “Love” wooden sign just hanging around your house? No worries! Drug Store Divas made this super easy by making this out of cardboard!
Click here to head right to the post!
Will you be making any of these Disney Father’s Day Crafts? If so, which ones? let me know down in the comments below.
If Amazon Prime is more your style (me!), then click here to find some amazing Disney Father’s Day gifts that can be shipped right to your door!
Don’t forget to save this to Pinterest so you can find it later!

I used to get Pirates of the Caribbean stuff for my dad, it was our thing before he passed. These are so pretty though
Nicole Ellington
I’m sorry for your loss!
These are super nice. When I was at school I used to do handmade projects for my dad on father’s day…happy memories.
All of these are so cute! DIY gifts are always so much more special than store brought ones.
Nicole Ellington
I really agree!
I LOVE this idea! I might have a go at doing some Incredibles hand prints with my kids for their dad 🙂
Louise x
These are so adorable! Gonna be hard to choose one to make for the kiddos!
Nicole Ellington
They are all just so cute!