Top 5 Overrated Disney World Snacks
Disney Snacks: Now, before I get started into this list, let me explain two things. Number one: These views are mine. Just because something makes it onto this list, does not mean that this is a representation of Disney Dream Co. as a whole (I wanted to put that out there because I don’t want you to send hate mail to my Disney Dream Co. Family, all hate mail can be directed to me, thanks!). Number 2: I LOVE food! Like, I am the biggest food lover I know. I went to culinary school for a year just because I love to eat. I have ran 2 half marathons just to burn tons of calories, just so I can eat more pizza. Food love is real for me. So real, that I have written about My Top Favorite Mickey Shaped Snacks, How to make Mickey Waffles, and a review of Be Our Guest. And there are more food posts to come. All that to say, some of these snack items pains me to add here, but I just have to do it. Without any further ado… here is my list of Most Overrated Disney Snacks.
1. Dole Whips

#sorrynotsorry on this one! I just don’t get it. I feel like this is a Disney snack that everyone loves just because they feel like they wouldn’t be a ‘true Disney fan’ if they didn’t. But I’m here to tell you all… it’s okay not to like it! To me, its feels like I am just eating a cold pineapple. Nothing great. Not that special.
2. Lunch Box Tarts Disney snacks

You can find these items over at Woody’s Lunch Box in Hollywood Studios. I had high hopes for these, especially the Chocolate Hazelnut one! To me, it just tasted like a regular ol’ Poptart. Again, not terrible, but not great. The Chocolate Hazelnut Tart comes with Maple Frosting and Candied Bacon on it. Doesn’t that combo sound amazing? Sadly, it disappointed me when I tried it for the first time. And I probably won’t get it again.
3. Churro Disney snacks

Please don’t send the pitchforks after me on this one! But this is another one I don’t completely understand. You can get a Churro at almost any other amusement park around the world. I just don’t see the love and the hype over the Disney World ones. They taste like typical Churros to me. Again, I don’t think they taste bad, I just think that they are overrated, and I much rather use my snack credit on something else.
4. Frushi

Honestly, I have no idea why people go crazy for this thing when Epcot host it’s Flower and Garden Festival every year. Its something I constantly hear about when that time of year comes around. If you don’t know what it is, its a sushi-inspired food is made with pineapple, strawberry, and melon. The fruits are rolled with raspberry coconut rice and topped with toasted coconut. It’s served with a side of whipped cream. Again, not bad tasting, but I think highly overrated.
5. Mickey/ Minnie Chocolate or Caramel Covered Apple Disney snacks

This one pains me to put on the list because they are soo cute! I LOVE almost everything Mickey and Minnie Shaped, but this one misses the mark. First of all, I don’t think they are that tasty. Second, they are so hard to eat while walking around the parks! Believe me, I have tried. And have failed… miserably.
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So what do you think of this overrated Disney Snacks list? Did I get it right? Or did I totally miss the mark? Let me know in the comments down below! You can also send all hate mail and angry messages to me on Instagram at @DisneyDreamCo. 🙂
Thanks to Jen (@Drennons_Do_Disney on Instagram) for the use of her Frushi photo!

We took my toddler to Disney last year during flower and garden. It was hectic running around to get her to see all the princesses and the only snack I got was frushi and it was hot and disgusting. It was not even good and it was SUCH a bummer.
Dole whips though, YUM.
Nicole Ellington
I hope you got to meet all of the princesses you wanted to see! And yes! I don’t get the appeal of the frushi. And we can agree to disagree on the Dole Whips 😀
I love the apples but I do agree they’re a pain to eat. I stopped getting them until I found out you can have them just cut it up
for you and put it in a container and eat the slices!! so much easier.
Nicole Ellington
Ohh that does sound a lot easier! That really helps with the messy-ness 😆
Courtney Nilsen
NAILED IT!! I agree with all of them.
Nicole Ellington
Yes! Glad you agree! 😀
I can’t agree with Dole Whip but I respect everyone’s opinion so no hate from me! Otherwise I completely agree with this list, I’ve also never tried the Frushi because I can’t stand coconut or melon so I just agree there on principle haha!
Nicole Ellington
I knew the Dole Whip was going to be a polarizing one. Half the people I talk to love it, and half the people I talk to don’t care for it. And I have tried the Frushi once. Honestly, I tried it because it looks so pretty. But it doesn’t taste that great. So you aren’t missing out! 😀
Auntie Mir
So, I 100% agree that WDW churros are blah and totally overrated.
However, the hill that I die on will be defending the DLR in park churros.
For some reason beyond my comprehension, the churros throughout WDW (not just MK) and even the churros at Downtown Disney in Anaheim are marginal at best… Costco can keep pace they’re so generic…but something is different about the in park churros at Disneyland and DCA.
They’re correctly made, crispy on the outside, pillowy on the inside, and hold on the right percentage of the applied cinnamon sugar. The only thing I can eliminate for sure is the freshness factor… Cold, stale, “I got this for you while you were on that ride” Disneyland and DCA in park churros still taste better than fresh, hot Downtown Disney churros or WDW churros.
Nicole Ellington
Hm, interesting! I wish there was a way for us to try WDW Churro and DL Churro at the same time to compare and contrast the difference!
Totally agree with you on the dole whips. My husband and I tried them on our last Disney trip and did not like them at all; totally wasted a snack credit.
Nicole Ellington
Agreed! Also, I am finding them at places close to home. So they don’t even feel like Disney to me anymore.
I agree on all but 1, love me a Dole whip! On a hot day it’s my choice for best park snack, but I do love pineapple, and even keep some frozen at home for snacks.
Nicole Ellington
We can agree to disagree on that one :). But I do understand why you enjoy it! Nothing like a nice cold treat after a long hot day!
We haven’t been to Disney with our kiddo yet but I think everyone I know loves the Dole Whips 🤣
Nicole Ellington
I personally feel like people just say they like them because it’s a Disney treat. But I feel like they are so plain!
Good to know in case I ever go to Disney. They all LOOK really good, so it’s nice to hear an honest opinion from a foodie!
Those apples don’t look that appetizing to me! They look like expensive disappointment lol
Nicole Ellington
I agree! haha!